High Vibe Home


Most of us are well acquainted with our homes by now, over the past year and a half we have become very well acquainted. With the state of the world as it is, it’s essential more than ever that our homes serve as a sanctuary of serenity. The front door is a place to unburden yourself from the polarized world that tumbles outside. This is your place to tune out the static noise and retreat to when depleted. Emotions can run high when individualism and society bump heads, but one thing's for certain: your home is your domain, and you set the tone on your turf.

A home is so much more than a house but it’s up to you to put the love into it, to fill your container. Energy flows where attention goes and a little TLC can serve you in a big, compounding way. A homey space is not about high end furniture, trendy decor, or a picture perfect Pinterest spread. It isn’t the look at all, but rather how you feel when embraced by it. What does stepping through the front door feel like? We’re aiming for something resembling a bear hug from a long time friend or being held by a lover. A sense of, “I don’t have to hold myself any longer, because you got me”. Relief, safety, comfort, belonging -- representation of these feeling-tones will be different for everyone. It takes some self exploration to get to know what that looks like for you.


Close your eyes. Imagine for a moment that you are a synesthete, awakening all the senses to the point where the signals mix. You hear colors, feel aromas, taste music, and smell flavour. The sensations consume you.

It’s been a long day of participating as a civilized human being in the outside world. Your feet ache, your comfy pants are telepathically calling out to you, and that tasty snack you made last night is in the fridge. Home is only two minutes away, you think with deep yearning. You arrive, fast walk to your front door, step inside, and immediately lock the door behind you. With closed eyes, you sink your backside into the coolness of the front door, taking a deep cleansing breath. Observe the feeling-tone of existing in this space. What is your home whispering to you? What do you smell? What colors embrace you? Bring alive the personality and get acquainted.

Imagine another scenario.

It’s early morning, light pours into your room as you stir into consciousness after a deep, restful sleep. You are toasty warm swathed in just the right amount of blankets. Coming into your body, you stretch awake your limbs and roll onto your feet. Rubbing open your eyes, you take in your surroundings with gratitude. Starting each morning from this space is the foundation of a great day to come. Lazily sauntering into the main areas of your space, you feel complete and utter Belonging. Describe the feeling-tone of your home as you utilize the space for the perfect morning routine.

Now that you have the feeling-tone in your body, quickly journal your experience to lock in the essence of what home looks like to you. There is no right answer, so be mindful of outward influences of what that should look like. For some that representation shows up as minimalistic, open, and cleanly. For others it can be nurturing, cozy, and relaxed. Your home is a personal expression of your uniquity, honor that.


SOmetimes the key to happiness is finding the key to home!



There are two inevitable components when considering a high vibe space: safety & energetics. Safety precautions ensure that you are fully supported in the space, then and only then can we completely lower our defenses. Feeling protected and at ease is the foundation. Then we enhance the energetics to bring in spirit and get the home pulsing with love. This is where the “hominess” happens.


Germs be gone

Sanitized spaces keep germs at bay, plus add a viscerally noticeable improvement in the environment. Sometimes you can walk into a room and although things are in their place and clutter is nowhere in sight, it just feels dirty. High traffic areas especially should be attended to, such as doorknobs, handles, cupboards, keys, lightswitches, remote controls, and of course phones. Whip out your reusable glass spray bottles folks, we’re getting squeaky clean.

Contrary to what advertisers want you to think, Clorox doesn’t have to be your go-to. There are a host of environmentally friendly, health harmonizing ingredients that can be used to sanitize and disinfect your most tred spaces! Actually, you can say goodbye to purchasing any commercial products packaged in plastic for good if you so choose. Soap and water has been and continues to be one of humankind’s most effective defenses against pathogens. Indeed it is proven to be even powerful enough to combat the coronavirus. Opt for a biodegradable castile soap option like Dr. Bronner’s for an even gentler impact on the environment without compromising effectiveness. A vinegar solution is well recognized as a nontoxic cleaning wonder, killing household bacterias, dissolving hard water deposits, and generally busting through grime. Equal parts vinegar and water in a spray bottle will do the trick. The high acidity of lemons is both antibacterial and antiseptic, acting as a natural bleach! Cut a lemon in half and scrubadubdub. Baking soda, borax, and hydrogen peroxide are also great staples in mother nature’s custodian closet that can be applied in various ways to your DIY non-toxic germ busting toolkit.

Harsh chemicals accumulate in our homes and our bodies, especially when used on a regular basis doing us more harm than good. Do yourself a favor, stop jeopardizing the environment and your health, and let's get back to basics.

Get bold on mold

Mold can be a sneaky detriment to our health. Harmful effects can range from a mild allergy such as irritated eyes, runny nose, wheezing, coughing, rashes, and dry mouth all the way to severe (and possibly fatal) respiratory infections. When not dealt quickly and effectively, spores wreak havoc on our systems leaving horrific damage in their wake. Mold loves humidity so it’s important to be aware of your level. Indoor relative humidity (RH) should ideally be kept in the 30 to 50 percent range, if possible. This may be challenging, in tropical climates for instance. Using tools like dehumidifiers will be well worth the investment, and generally making a point to ventilate every room in the home, especially bathrooms and kitchens where more moisture is created. Slow leaks (from the roof or a pipe) or flooded areas are a prime environment for growth.  Mold tends to hide in window sills, closets, basements and other hard to reach places. Visual signs to be on the lookout for would be yellowish or greenish stains on walls, warped wood, cracked or peeling paint, clogged gutters, and black growth growing between tiles in the bathroom. Mold can also be accompanied with a musty or mildewy odor. For big outbreaks it is best to contact a professional that specializes in eradicating mold, while for smaller spot treatments, many of the natural cleaners listed above will more than suffice.

Hazardous clutter

While clearing clutter will absolutely have a profound energetic effect (as we will further explore below), it also is just a downright safety hazard. The type of build up can greatly vary what kind of danger it posits. Clutter can pose a fire hazard, by both feeding the flames for an easier and faster spread, but also can dangerously obstruct an escape route. Certain types of “stuff” present an even more precarious scenario, like an unattended nest of cords can possibly risk combustion. Slipping or tripping on items can result in a hard fall, possibly broken bones. Neglected food and beverages are a breeding ground for mold and attract insects and rodents. Tidying up excessive “stuff” has a positive ripple far surpassing what our conscious mind can attribute it to. In studies referenced by Psychology Today, it was found that participants who kept their homes clean were physically healthier and more active than those who didn’t, while women who considered their homes to be “cluttered” were more likely to be depressed and fatigued than those who considered their abode to be “restorative” or “restful”.

Check your shoes at the door

Many cultures worldwide have a strict no-shoes in the house rule, or have a clear determination between their house shoes and their out shoes. This cultural standard seems to be much less prevalent in American society, although there are a list of reasons compelling us to follow suit. Not only do the bottoms of your shoes pick up grime and germs, but also lead, carcinogenic toxins from asphalt, and endocrine-disrupting gardening chemicals. 96% of shoes have traces of feces bacteria on the soles, and 90% of that is transferred to floors. When you give it just a second of thought, you realize that there is more than meets the eye. Check all shoes at the door.

your home should tell the story of who you are, and be a collection of what you love

Nate Berkus



Hello, Angel

A helpful guiding element to raising the vibration of your particular home is to connect with your house angel. You can think of it as the spirit of your home. While this may seem a bit “out there” to some, it actually is a really fun way to focus in on the specific needs of your space. It can take the pressure off of crafting the perfect environment, when instead you can tune in, become receptive, and follow direction. Plus, how neat to better understand the personality and separate consciousness of your dwelling! Now it’s co-creation. Trust your intuition here, the ethereal speak in many whispers and inspirations.

transmute the clutter

So we spoke of some of the physical hazards of clutter, but what about the taxing energetic price to be paid? Clutter is indecision. It is stagnancy. Make room to invite in an energetic flow. A rejuvenating home must be able to breathe. Clutter in the physical realm will reflect as a chaotic mental realm. It’s tough on the human psyche and subconsciously it is an added stressor. As you walk through a room, make it a habit to mindlessly return items back to their place. When we program ourselves to operate on autopilot for the highest good, tasks become much more manageable. Each room you enter, challenge yourself to quickly tidy up three things. It can be very small. You will be amazed at the compounding results! If you find that something doesn’t have a home, take the time to acknowledge how often you use this item, where can its home be, or could it better serve another household. This is the tea. If there is one thing you implement for the biggest shift in your environment, choose to tackle your clutter!

Smoke it

It’s a good practice to clear your space once or twice a week with your preferred choice of a smudge stick. Smudging is an ancient practice used in cultures around the world, used to usher out heaviness and negativity or invite in positivity, good fortune, or a general higher vibration -- the specific effects depending on your chosen material. The three most well known and widely used would be white sage, cedar, and palo santo. Sage is a purifier. It has healing properties and removes spirits and cleanses people or spaces. Cedar is a protector. It removes negative influences and invites in benevolent spirits. Palo Santo is an uplifter. It welcomes creativity and good fortune, infusing the space with bright, joyful energy. All three are powerful elements in their own right. 

Sensory Play


Perhaps a bit obvious, but so important that it’s worth mentioning, you experience your surroundings with your senses, so it only makes sense to craft an environment which indulges them! This can look like pleasant natural smells, such as through an essential oil diffuser or a bouquet of fresh flowers. High vibrational music playing lightly in the background, tranquil instrumentals or something with uplifting, positive, or inspiring lyrics. Lots of natural lighting or gentle artificial lighting when needed, think dimmed overheads, amber colored bulbs, or candle light. LEDs and bluelights can be very abrasive to our endocrine system, and don’t support a state of relaxation. Adding in a variety of your favorite textures and materials will also help manifest that cozy, warm-embrace vibe. If you like the smoothness of a leather couch on your legs, or the comfort of a heavy wool blanket, the softness of a fuzzy rug under your feet, or the creak of hardwood as you walk.


When you can, it’s important to mindfully shut down portals to the outside world. In our interconnected modern society, it’s overwhelmingly easy to consistently be in the know. But sometimes all we really need to do is be in the refuge of our own space, in the intimate company of ourselves or our loved ones. Turn off the TV, the radio, the computer, the podcast, and yes even your phone. Opt instead for the sound of silence, a beloved’s voice, the birds chirping, or some groovy tunes. This is when restoration takes place. It’s okay to disconnect from the heavy energies outside of it. Salvage your mental health, infuse your heart space, be in the present moment, in your physical location. The hectic world won’t wait for you, but it will always be there when you so choose to rejoin, as a more centered, nourished version of you. 


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