Sexy Summer Salsa


Want to have the hit dish at family taco night or just have a great go to in the fridge for the week?

Look no further than this Sexy Salsa Recipe! I adopted this into my lineup from my cousin and it does not disappoint. A labor of love but 100% worth it! Bonus: it gets better over time, often tasting more rich and flavorful on day two or three!


Here are a few reasons this sexy salsa should be a summer staple for you.

The tomatos in it have an ingredient call lycopene that naturally boosts your bodys UV protection mechanism. 

The garlic in this recipe naturally boost immunity

If you buy organic you will be getting a more power packed punch of vitamins, C, A, K & potassium!

Question: What do those numerical code stickers on produce mean?

Answer: These 4- or 5-digit numbers are PLU (Price Look Up) codes, which identify attri­butes of fresh fruits and vegetables, including their variety, size, and how they were grown.

Keep your eye out for 5-digit codes beginning with 9, those indicate organically grown produce.


Pro Tip

When you bring Groceries Home from the store or produce in from the garden, wash and prep them for consumption before they ever go into the fridge and store them at eye height in a clear storage container like a glass mason jar or stasher bag. You are more likely to not waste food this way.


8-10 medium/large tomatoes  

1 large onion

3-4 gloves of garlic

1 bunch of cilantro 

2-3 Jalapeno peppers

1 lemon

1 lime

1-2 teaspoons salt

*Garlic, peppers & salt can all be adjusted to taste


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  1. Chop all tomatoes and place in large bowl

  2. Chop onion into small pieces add to chopped tomatoes

  3. Mince garlic and add to tomato and onion, stirring as you add ingredients.

  4. Chop cilantro and add to the mix

  5. Chop and add jalapenos

    *keep all seeds in for hot salsa remove most for mild.

  6. Juice lemon and lime in separate, bowl filtering out pulp and seeds. Add citrus liquid to chopped ingredients

  7.  Salt to taste

  8. Stir all ingredients together, grab a chip and enjoy a taste test.

  9. Add any ingredient you feel it needs.

  10. Cover bowl and place in refrigerator for 3- 6hours stirring occasionally

Whenever possible buy organic, from a local farmer or even better grow yourself. If buying, remember to buy bulk items when available and bring your own glass or reusable containers, they will tare (aka weigh the jar/container so you don’t pay extra weight cost associated to the commodity you are buying).

Simply write the weight on the bottom of the jar so they know what to subtract at checkout. 

Avoid plastic produce bags, instead grab a few of those mini paper bags to the checkout bagging area or bring your own reusable product bags from home. And remember a reusable bag or basket to put all your nutritious yummy items in.


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RecipesIsa Griffin